We are human beings wired for short cuts. This means we want to take short cuts wherever we can. It’s nothing bad, it’s just the way we were designed.
Knowing this means you can better understand how to fine tune this human being body you are in. How do you fine tune this tool so it works better for you? For starters your need to realise we are habitual beings. We will form habits. Habits we become addicted to. So you can establish habits that work for you and that becomes your way of fine tuning this human being body you are in. Let’s see. I want a better body, get in shape, get fit. What habits would you need to create in order to fulfil on this commitment? Eat less and do more exercise? But this alone is not going to help you create new habits. For me, habits are also linked strongly with what you are most committed to. Your inner ding, your higher purpose. Why do you want to get fit? What has happened in your life that can help you to realise what is most important to you? Have a look and review what has happened to you that will give you the answers. When it comes to getting fit: who are the people around you that become your role models or people you aspire to be? What did they do to get where you want to be? What do you need to do to get there? And then you need to start. Somewhere. Anywhere. Just do it Nike says. So find your new habit. Start committing. Turn up because you said you will. Get out of your comfort zone because you said this is important. Never ever back down. Turn up. Do your time. Find magic in what you’re doing. Be present to all the things that are most important to you. Flood your thoughts with intentions and affirmations - you’ll find ones that work for you that you’ve collected over time. For me, everything happens for a reason. There is no one else, but me. If not me, then who? In terms of grabbing my goals by the balls and just going for it! When you set your mind to something. You have to keep being your own cheerleader. You can’t allow yourself to get distracted. Everything is a distraction wanting to tempt you away from that which is most important to you. You have to recognise everything is a distraction and you have to say to yourself, how can I turn this around? How can I re-establish the habits that work for me? What can I do more, better, different, less to get back on track? As I’ve said before, the mind is tricky. It wants you to be distracted. It wants you to fail so that it can be right about your failures. All you need to do is create new habits - ones you know you will serve you. You need to trust yourself more. You need to be your own champion. You don’t need the approval of others. You don’t need their permission. You don’t need their recognition or acknowledgement. What you need to remember is it’s always your personal best you are striving for. You know if you are stuck in distraction because it won’t feel good letting yourself down and breaking your vow to your commitments. You’ll know if you are out of integrity meaning that you haven’t honoured your word. You will feel shitty. So make a new commitment and stick to it. We are perpetually distracted. This is the way we were designed. If you can get distracted easily, then with a snap of your fingers, you can equally get back on track.
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AuthorHi my name is Angela. I have loved writing since I was able to hold a pencil in my hand. I soon learnt I had a gift of connecting with my ancestors through writing before my 30th birthday. Categories
January 2022