I just watched the unfolding of a woman rising like the Phoenix. A tale of feminism and female empowerment but it didn’t feel forced, it didn’t feel wrong, it didn’t feel like men were pitted against women or women against men.
It just felt like women had found a way to share their voice. Helen Reddy finally found herself and wrote the anthem for all time, without ever really knowing the impact it would have. She did it for her, for her daughter and maybe for Lillian Roxon. I posted on my own social media this time five years ago about John Farnham’s, “You’re the voice”, Your voice matters, you matter and if your voice matters how will you use it? I was reminded of the Truman show. How does Truman finally listen to his voice? What if a song leads us to a movie, or the movie leads us to a song? What does the Truman Show and I am Woman have in common? There is something to be said for just how much we are learning from someone’s life and from someone’s voice, the power of their words. What if they are the clues and crumbs we pick up along the way? What if it’s within us to recognise the power of song as powerful positive affirming statements. I am strong, I am invincible. If you didn’t believe it yet, in singing the words over and over, you would come to believe it. You’re the voice try and understand it, make a noise and make it clear. What if you have power within to create your own powerful positive affirming statement such as I am worthy, I deserve. I began my journey within the area of my life called finances and money. First, I had to discover something was blocking me. There was a barrier. When I uncovered the block and barrier, I was able to see things differently like my taxes weren’t done for four years, researching my finances and setting up payments automatically, changing spending habits here and there, spending on myself for the first time like properly spending on me, property went from not being leased to leased and so on. We found ways to fix our house for example we got solar panels and are paying it off. It feels like we are making progress without money being a no for us if that makes any sense. Money is a yes because we are a yes to everything in our life. Because we are yes more and more and more ideas arrive for us. In regard to friendship through this journey, I let go of friendships that were not serving me and I see now, it needed to happen for my own growth and for their growth. One day we may come to realise this blessing collectively and there is opportunity for a transformative friendship to arise. I have made accidental friends with my daughter’s friends mums - school mums and actually it didn’t even occur to me, I sat aside one day and they said come and sit with us, I was shocked myself that it didn’t occur to me to sit with them! So to do this day I’m learning from them about how to be a better mum but also learning how I hold myself back and don’t give all of myself to friendships for fear of rejection. In regard to what was manifested I just remember saying I wish my friendships had equilibrium that I give and they give equally. I also have to acknowledge friendships with my family members have grown stronger too. My partner - I found. I remember manifesting what I wanted - I said it’s time for me to settle down in to a loving committed relationship where I can be myself. When I met him it was like time stood still and it felt like I had known him for years even though it was the first time I met him. I knew he was it. We are married with three kids. I created and caused our marriage from the very beginning too and I own it. Everyday I’m learning about myself I get to see more and more the things about me that don’t work and own up to them and this has made such a difference to how close we are still today despite arguments, I’m sharing my journey with him and he can see what I’m committed to. It’s all about forgiveness and then believing in yourself and honouring what you really want for your life. We want ease and grace, we want peace and harmony. What environment do we need to create so we can have those things? Who do we have to be to attract what we really want? It could be as simple as saying Im no longer chained by my self limiting beliefs, I’m giving all of them up, please let me become aware, let me see what all of my self limiting beliefs are. Then once you see them you know what they are, they can disappear and dissipate. Next is creation - create who you are as a possibility in the world, create powerful positive affirming statements that align and resonate with what you really want. Who knew the simplicity of I am worthy and I deserve would make such a difference to my life. What if it can do the same for you because you realise your word is all you have, honour your word and create the life you really want? You can read more about my discovery of I am worthy, I deserve here Carve time in your day just for you to reflect upon the conversations that don’t work in your life and give yourself permission to say I stand for something else: insert your powerful positive affirming statement.
Let's do this little exercise together, obviously, you will need to think about your own answers to these questions to see what is in your own way. All you need is a pen and a piece of paper, you could use your phone and type in your notes but its really important to think about it and diarise what is going on for you, helping you move forward to get the things you really want in your life.
What is the story you have about money? I have a story called "Money, there is never enough". What is the pay off of having this story?(Put another way, what do I get out of it, there is some kind of pay off I am getting for keeping this story alive) I pretty much get to be a victim, right? I am at the affect of this story. I can't see money any other way when I have this filter, this view, these sunglasses on. And its such an ultimatum. Its final. Its finite.
ALWAYS and NEVER are finite
What is the impact on myself or others of having this story?
For starters, I know for a fact that I avoid opening envelopes knowing there is a bill inside. My mum used to do this and still does. She even shares that she intentionally does not pay her bills on time, because she is juggling the number of bills she has and also she uses the overdue notice as her actual bill notice. There is no make wrong in this conversation by the way, we are in safe space, telling the truth, considering the what's so about our relationship with money. Next, I am imagining there is a certain way I talk about money with my husband and in front of my kids. I probably do something like this, "do we need that?" "is it a want or a need?" "put it on your birthday or christmas list" or I avoid the conversation all together, which means I am missing opportunities to teach my kids what they need to learn about money. Third, I dig my head in the sand, so I don't even know the facts about our money situation. To the point where I still have not lodged our tax return from last year and this year's lodgement is upon us.... Fourth, I deprive myself of luxuries or enjoyment, putting others needs first before my own. During Covid-19 we probably all did a bit of this. I will give an example, I would do my nails for special occasions only, I used to get my hair done (this means cut and colour) but started to cut back to just a cut (during Covid-19 no haircut whatsoever, I bought a hair dying kit but still haven't used it yet). I used to go for remedial massages, now I have reverted to physio (not the same and it's probably moved from the luxury category to the essential category). Fifth, have a think of if like me, you put something in the luxury category but it actually sits in the essential category aka health and fitness.
Remember, if you have a budget, it means you record everything and you forward plan the likely spending both your essential spending (mortgage, utilities, phone. transportation) and your luxury spending (things that make you feel good, and have you living the life you want to live).
DID YOU KNOW THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH HAVING AN ULTIMATE GOAL AROUND MONEY THAT SITS OUTSIDE OF YOUR EXISTING ESSENTIAL + LUXURY SPENDING? ITS CALLED MANIFESTING THE LIFE YOU WANT. If it was represented as percentages of 100 being the manifestation of what you really want (this is just an example, for you, imagine there is no ceiling!). It would look maybe something like this: 50% of your current income - essential spend (what you already spend) 50% of your current income - luxury spend (what you already spend but if you are like me didn't even want to acknowledge it) 100% of your current income (i.e. double what you currently earn) - manifest spend (i.e. I have never had this income before, but I am creating what I want in life by actually visualising it in reality - how much would that new car I want cost? how much would that new phone I want cost? how much would that holiday I want cost? how much would that caravan I want cost? and breaking it down against your existing income and your existing expenses and creating a new column called manifesting the income to support the manifest spend.
The funny thing is in one of my previous jobs I was a banker and I knew then there are two types of people in the world - the saver and the spender. Early on in our relationship I identified that we were both spenders so I reverted to being the saver otherwise known as the "bad guy" "the person who has to say no" "the depriver" etc insert relevant label for you. But perhaps it was just more evidence to support my story "Money, there is never enough".
Here is the homework, if you're really committed to creating the life you want. Every single expense needs to be tracked, every fact about your income and your expense needs to be tracked. Every new exciting manifestation or goal you want also needs to be tracked. Then you will be left with maybe three things: 1. The facts about how much you earn. 2. The facts about how much you spend. 3. The facts about the gap between what you currently earn and what you want to earn. Whether that's through passive or active income. And if you're like me, I'm going to guess, you will want it to be passive income, not active income, because if you're like me, you're time poor. How on earth am I going to create more income from where I am sitting right now? Easy, you have to think outside the framework you are thinking from within at the moment. Then, like me, you'll have the facts and you'll have a vehicle to bring what you really want for your life to fruition. Learn more about the platform I share, that gives you the opportunity to identify your hidden skills and talents, how to market and monetise those skills and talents, as well as the systems and tools to make it all come to life.
“Seeking substantial wealth is almost always a fool's game.” Felix Dennis, a British multimillionaire
Ive always wondered about the saying money is the root of all evil and yet we grow up and are taught about money, about saving and about better money management. We also need money in order to survive. If you're like me you may have grown up with a story about money. Money - there is never enough. What if I told you, when you focus on growing yourself, you find your purpose and operate from your true purpose, there is no barrier to what is possible. Our limiting beliefs get knocked out of the way. You are showing up in the world because you want to. Ill give an example where my focus lived in money there is never enough. I became driven to produce money. I manifested I wanted a job where I could grow and develop myself and I wanted money. But I wasnt clear about my intention, rather wasnt specific enough about the results I wanted produce. On looking back now its quite funny as I got a job, but as a bank teller! Well a bank teller works WITH money everyday! But its not yours! The universe can hear you but you have to really affirm exactly what you want. I climbed the corporate ladder in this job and while it appealed to me to that I was helping my customers and helping my team, I got to a point where targets and putting my customers in debt no longer felt like I was helping them. It began to feel out of alignment with who I was and the difference I wanted to make in the world. So I moved out of this banking world to a whole new one. I manifested that by my 30th birthday I would fall pregnant and have my first child so my job was about making babies and raising children. What a contrast! I remember calling forth I wanted an experience of family the same experience I got growing up. I got by with a lot less money. But what did I get in return? I got an abundance of love, connection, gratitude. I got so much more than money can buy. My life was certainly richer, my experience satisfied and fulfilled. There are no words for the moment you meet your children for the first time. Its enlightening. Each moment you are learning more and more about yourself through your interactions with your children. I learnt that there is a distinct difference between setting and creating a goal aligned to your true purpose versus being so driven for a particular outcome that you lose who you are. Take steps, train everyday, set and create goals, reach them and set and create new goals, train a little harder, and before you know it, you're ready to run your own race. |
AuthorHi my name is Angela. I have loved writing since I was able to hold a pencil in my hand. I soon learnt I had a gift of connecting with my ancestors through writing before my 30th birthday. Categories
January 2022