“Seeking substantial wealth is almost always a fool's game.” Felix Dennis, a British multimillionaire
Ive always wondered about the saying money is the root of all evil and yet we grow up and are taught about money, about saving and about better money management. We also need money in order to survive. If you're like me you may have grown up with a story about money. Money - there is never enough. What if I told you, when you focus on growing yourself, you find your purpose and operate from your true purpose, there is no barrier to what is possible. Our limiting beliefs get knocked out of the way. You are showing up in the world because you want to. Ill give an example where my focus lived in money there is never enough. I became driven to produce money. I manifested I wanted a job where I could grow and develop myself and I wanted money. But I wasnt clear about my intention, rather wasnt specific enough about the results I wanted produce. On looking back now its quite funny as I got a job, but as a bank teller! Well a bank teller works WITH money everyday! But its not yours! The universe can hear you but you have to really affirm exactly what you want. I climbed the corporate ladder in this job and while it appealed to me to that I was helping my customers and helping my team, I got to a point where targets and putting my customers in debt no longer felt like I was helping them. It began to feel out of alignment with who I was and the difference I wanted to make in the world. So I moved out of this banking world to a whole new one. I manifested that by my 30th birthday I would fall pregnant and have my first child so my job was about making babies and raising children. What a contrast! I remember calling forth I wanted an experience of family the same experience I got growing up. I got by with a lot less money. But what did I get in return? I got an abundance of love, connection, gratitude. I got so much more than money can buy. My life was certainly richer, my experience satisfied and fulfilled. There are no words for the moment you meet your children for the first time. Its enlightening. Each moment you are learning more and more about yourself through your interactions with your children. I learnt that there is a distinct difference between setting and creating a goal aligned to your true purpose versus being so driven for a particular outcome that you lose who you are. Take steps, train everyday, set and create goals, reach them and set and create new goals, train a little harder, and before you know it, you're ready to run your own race.
AuthorHi my name is Angela. I have loved writing since I was able to hold a pencil in my hand. I soon learnt I had a gift of connecting with my ancestors through writing before my 30th birthday. Categories
January 2022